Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Cookin with gas

I like cooking on a stove with Gas. I know this is not something many guys would really think about or lest care about... But I like to Cook. Connie is my inspiration and good meals come out. I first tried a gas stove in the summer at my parents house. Thye are wonderful.

If you were cookin with gas, what would you make... KD or some kinda dish?

PS, once I was in the states and I passed a few gasoline bar and restarant locations with the sign "Eat Here, Get Gas"

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Wooley Mammoth

This past weekend, we went ice fishing and this is the biggest fish we caught. Thanks to Joyce Ho, she got a 29 inche Pike. It was good eatin fish, made a PILE of beer battered pub style fish with this one.

Would you go ice fishing?